About Me

Jennifer dePascale //

 Since 1979

About Jennifer dePascale //

I am an eternal optomist and a forever student who is dedicated to becoming a better person, wife, mother, friend, and coach today than I was yesterday. I believe each and every one of us has a unique and individual calling in life but many, if not all, have been conditioned with beliefs throughout their lives that aren’t in alignment of who we are on a soul level. I’ve spent more than half a decade ripping those old, outdated beliefs out of my subconscious brain to align myself with a path in life that is alignment with my Busoula, my soul’s compass. 

From the outside, I imagine most of my life has looked pretty ‘perfect’ from the casual observers point of view. But on the inside, I spent most of my life trying to live up to others expectations of me. I was a text book definition of a people pleaser, a perfectionist, a worrier, an over-thinker, a victim and my own worst enemy. I gave my power away, slowly and surely till eventually, there was nothing left to give. I experienced pain, suffering and a feeling of disconnectedness throughout most of my life. I suppose some might say I hit the point where the pain of staying the same was worse than the pain of change but it wasn’t an instantaneous event like it is for some. It happened at different times in different areas of my life. The more I peeled back the layers, the more I discovered the truth of who I am at a soul level. Often times, these truths weren’t in alignment with the life I was living.

I discovered that the only way I could feel whole is when my outer world matched my inner world. When It does, magic happens. When it doesn’t, you feel the pull of your Busoula gently guiding you back to your North. I made it my mission to do everything in my power to align both of these worlds.

What started as quest to simply end the daily suffering, turned into an ultimate quest to connect back to the essence of what makes me, well, me. I reconnected back with my soul and discovered my Busoula. I began navigating my life with my Busoula in hand and live every day in alignment with my true North. When I do this, I experience joy, passion, awe, wonder, love and purpose each and every day.

What I’ve discovered is that while we can’t eliminate suffering, we can certainly eliminate the suffering that is self-inflicted and unnecessary. That type of suffering is ultimately our Busoula’s screaming to us that we aren’t living our truths. Suffering is part of our guidance system. The universe wants us to experience the magic and beauty of life each and every day. It also wants us to learn the lessons through our suffering, to see that suffering is a part of the natural cycle of life and to learn to embrace it instead of avoiding or numbing it. It’s completely in our power to do all of this. But we have to be open to thinking a different way. To seeing that maybe the way we see our lives isn’t quite the way it really is.

What I have discovered in the process is beyond anything I could ever have imagined. Busoula is my life’s work. It’s my North. I am so excited to share with you how this inner guidance tool, that is available to all of us, allowed magic and miracles to happen in my life on the daily. 

My Vision

To live in a world that value’s inner success and being true to oneself more than the pursuit of outer success. 

My Mission

To empower others to connect back to their truths and to find and navigate life with their Busoula’s , which will lead to a life filled with passion and purpose.

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