Welcome to Busoula //

Do you feel that pull deep down inside the depths of your being? Have you been looking for your purpose in life? Are you tired of hiding? Does your soul long to be free? If so, you’ve come to the right place. We belong together. It’s taken me a lifetime to connect back to my soul’s inner compass, my Busoula, and learn to navigate life with it, not in spite of it and I can’t wait to share my journey with you. I’ve created this for you. I encourage you to comment and participate. I have as much to learn from you as you do from me, maybe more. Welcome!

2020 vision: a 20/20 look at quarantine

2020 vision: a 20/20 look at quarantine

You've heard it a million times: "We are living in unprecedented times amongst an international pandemic that has taken the world by storm." It has literally stopped the world in it's tracks and forced everyone to turn off auto-pilot and take a good hard look at their...

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Removing the thorns

Removing the thorns

♪ "The snow glows white on the mountain tonight Not a footprint to be seen ♪ Over the summer, our new puppy was walking in the yard when she suddenly screeched and then started limping. Due to the sheer volume of bees in our grass, we knew immediately that she had...

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Sweeping my doorstep

Sweeping my doorstep

I believe whole heartedly that the greatest gift any of us can give to the world is to take responsibility (response - ability: the ability to control how we respond to ourselves, others and the world) for ourselves and our actions and go to work to uncover the...

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My first of many course adjustments

My first of many course adjustments

It's taken me 41 years but I've finally unlocked the code that so many before me have found to finding direction and magic and it all comes from the same place. There's an inner compass locked deep within me. It was covered with lots of dust and debris but I was...

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Showing up to the calling

Showing up to the calling

♪ This little light of mine ♪ I'm standing here, exposed, spiritually naked, alone in the dark, about to reveal my light to the world and let it shine on its own. Am I scared? Hell yes. Am I alone? Absolutely. Do I want to pull the blog altogether and not move...

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